Frequently Asked Questions

What is Writer’s Pen and who is it for?

Writer’s Pen is a vibrant community dedicated to supporting and inspiring aspiring writers, whether you’re just starting out or have been nurturing your writing dreams for years. Our group is especially welcoming to novice and beginner older writers, providing a nurturing environment led by an experienced writer with over 100 publications on Amazon.

What are the benefits of joining the Writer’s Pen group?

By joining Writer’s Pen, you’ll gain access to:

  • Support and Encouragement: Connect with a community that uplifts and motivates each other, making the writing journey less solitary.
  • Weekly Writing Sprints: Challenge yourself with quick, creative bursts of writing based on prompts that can help hone your skills and inspire your stories.
  • Expert Guidance: Receive mentorship and feedback from seasoned writers and editors who can help you refine your craft.
How do I join Writer’s Pen and what does it cost?

Joining is easy! Simply click on the “Join Here” link on our website. The membership fee is €17 per month, which grants you full access to all group activities, resources, and community support.

4. How can I submit my story and what are the guidelines?

To submit your story:

  • Prepare Your Story: Ensure your story is well-edited and polished.
  • Email Your Submission: Send your story, a brief biography, and a chosen image to represent your writer persona to the email provided with the subject line “Story Submission – [Your Name].”
  • Format: Attach your story in a common file format such as .doc or .pdf. Please note, submissions must adhere to our community guidelines focusing on quality and coherence.
What happens after I submit my story?

Once you submit your story, it will be reviewed by our editorial team. If your submission meets our quality standards, you will receive an email confirmation, and your story will be featured on your dedicated gallery page on our website, allowing readers to discover and enjoy your work.

Can I learn about self-publishing through Writer’s Pen?

Yes! Writer’s Pen offers resources including a FREE Intro to Self-Publishing video which provides insights into crafting your story and navigating indie publishing. I’m also working on a full self-publishing course to be release on 1 July 2024. Sign up to receive expert tips and strategies directly in your inbox.

What resources are available to help me improve my writing?

Writer’s Pen provides various resources to help you improve your writing skills:

  • Self-Editing for Fiction Writing: Learn to critique and edit your work effectively.
  • Short Story Contest Tips: Gain insights into what judges look for in winning stories.
  • Setting & World Building: Enhance your skills in creating immersive environments.
  • Character & Story Development: Explore emotional journeys in character and story creation.

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