Writers using AI, particularly fiction writers I think, is a hot topic in the writing world. It’s terribly divisive on some platforms with authors afraid to say they’re using it.

I’ve been a raving fan of AI forever. It didn’t simply arrive in the form of ChatGPT—anyone who’s used Grammarly, ProWritingAid, chatbots, maps, etc. etc. have also been using AI, so many of the anti-AI writers may have been happily using AI without realising it. No matter what side of the argument you’re on, AI is here to stay and writers are using it—mostly in a positive way. 

From idea generation to editing, AI tools offer powerful features that can enhance creativity and efficiency. However, for many writers, maintaining their unique voice and ensuring ethical use of these tools is paramount.

Here are three ways writers are using AI tools responsibly while keeping their creative control intact:

Idea Generation

One of the most popular uses of AI in writing is idea generation. Tools like Sudowrite, Jasper, and the new RaptorWrite are helping writers brainstorm ideas, overcome writer’s block, and spark creativity. These AI platforms can generate plot suggestions, dialogue options, and even entire story outlines. However, what sets successful writers apart is how they use these tools.

Rather than relying on AI to do the creative heavy lifting, writers use these generated ideas as a starting point. They mould and refine the suggestions, infusing their own voice and style into the final output. AI is Artificial intelligence. Humans are not artificial so, if AI can do, say, 80% of the work, it’s humans who provide the crucial 20% – the heart and soul of a piece of writing. By using AI as a tool rather than a crutch, writers maintain their originality and avoid the vanilla that can occur when over-relying on automated content.


Editing and Proofreading

AI-powered editing and proofreading tools have become indispensable for many writers. Programmes like Grammarly and ProWritingAid offer advanced features that catch grammar mistakes, improve sentence structure, and enhance readability. Their ability to provide immediate feedback, allowing writers to polish their work on the fly makes them extremely valuable tools.

However, ethical use of these tools involves recognising their limitations. While AI can suggest corrections and improvements, it is still the writer’s responsibility to ensure that these changes align with their intended meaning and voice. Writers will be best served by using AI to enhance their work, not replace their judgment.

Character Development

Character development is another area where AI can be a helpful ally. Writers can input basic character traits, and AI tools can generate detailed backstories, personality traits, and potential character arcs. This can be particularly useful for writers who are stuck or need fresh ideas for their characters. I think those of us who work remotely could suffer in this regard – we don’t meet so many people in real life anymore so our pool of inspiration might be low!!

However, the key to using AI responsibly in character development is to treat the suggestions as starting points rather than finished products. The writer’s vision should always guide the final character design. By selectively incorporating AI-generated traits and refining them, writers can ensure that their characters remain original and true to their narrative intentions. This approach allows AI to assist in the creative process without overshadowing the writer’s unique voice.

Young woman writing in a notebook at her desk. She looks cosy and comfortable. writerspen.co


AI is rapidly becoming an integral part of the writing process, offering tools that can boost creativity, efficiency, and accuracy. However, maintaining ethical standards and preserving our unique voices are crucial for writers who want to use AI responsibly. By treating AI as a collaborative partner, writers can harness the power of technology while ensuring that their work remains authentically theirs.